How to spot an ad hominem.

This was originally posted on Instagram on August 18, 2021.

This is the third post in a series. Scroll back a couple months for my fallacy posts on red herrings and false dichotomy.

"A logical fallacy is a false statement that weakens an argument by distorting an issue, drawing false conclusions, misusing evidence, or misusing language." -David Kemper


Ad hominem is a category of logical fallacy wherein an opponent attacks the person making the argument instead of challenging the argument itself. It comes from the Latin phrase, “to a man.”

Sadly, ad hominem is prevalent in our society, especially on social media.

Some examples:

“You’re only saying that because you’re an anti-vaxxer.”

“Whatever, Covid denier. I bet you voted for Trump.”

“Okay, Grandma Killer.”

“I hope you and your family die a slow death, maskhole.”

On the “other side:”


“Sorry, I can’t hear you through that muzzle, covidiot.”

“Libt*rd, shut up.”

Sadly, I have seen paraphrases of all of these things said online.

How to counter an ad hominem attack:

First of all, do not participate in them yourself. I don’t care which “side” you’re on. Christians have to be Christian even in the comment section.

Secondly, I generally recommend against engaging with people who are willing to call names like that. It’s unlikely that you will get anywhere.

However, if you do, ask a question to redirect:
“Can you please explain your question?”
“Is there a specific question I can answer that might help you understand my perspective?”

Then be willing to engage respectfully if they respond in kind, or to shake the dust from your sandals and move on if they don’t.


Coercion is not consent


Recognize the voice of the accuser.